a year, the Marian community can eat lunch in the old gym while being
entertained by the pantomime troupe.
The annual event was held on Wed. April 28. The Marian Mimes are the only mime troupe in Omaha. Each year they have many requests from
around the metro area to help with different fundraisers. Marian has been the home to the pantomime
troupe for 32 years, and has been under the direction of Mrs. Delisi for the
past 24 years. Something may have
looked a little different from last year.
That is because they have changed their look: instead of the white
³Marian Mime² sweatshirt, they are now sporting a black long sleeve shirt. A
few of the skits performed were ³A Marian Idol² and ³Airplane². The mimes may
not always have a lot to say, but they sure do know how to speak their minds.